Four Components Of Reading Comprehension

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The ability to construct the meaning of a text, through various strategies, is known as comprehension. For a reader to successfully comprehend a text, they must first extract the meaning of what was read, analyze it, interpret it, and make it their own. This process is interactive and strategic, because the reader is using multiple approaches to grasp the information. Connecting the new information from a text to old non-visual information from their schema is a crucial aspect of comprehension that readers must do. To make sense of the new information, the reader must integrate the material into their schema of connected information. The importance of comprehension goes further than just “understanding” the material at hand. In order to comprehend a text, the reader must be engaged, using context clues, problem solving, using the three cueing systems, decoding, and actively monitoring the text. If the reader is not truly comprehending the text, they are just merely following words along on a page. Furthermore, the strategies that are being used in order to comprehend a text translate over to real-life situations. Whether it be other school subjects, sports, board games, or real life-scenarios, problem solving is a method for reading comprehension that relates to other aspects of life. There are four main components of …show more content…

The location in which the text is administered impacts comprehension because it it much easier to comprehend a playbook if you are a coach at a basketball game. Comprehension comes more natural to those with prior experience and are in an appropriate location. Lastly, comprehension among students differs between each individual, just as in learning. It is important to be patient and to work with every student to figure out which portions of comprehension can be worked on, and which portions of comprehension come