Thesis About Reading Comprehension

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This chapter presents an introduction of the research, which describes the background of the research, research question, hypothesis, aims of study, research method, clarification of terms, and organization of the paper. Background
According to Gambrell, Block and Pressley (2002, p.3), “The most important thing about reading is comprehension.” Comprehension is related to understand the vocabulary and the connection between words and concepts, organize the ideas, reconstruct the message of the text, recognize the author’s purpose and make judgments which are getting by reading experience. Therefore, the process of understanding the message that the author is trying to convey is called by reading comprehension (Farris, Fuhler & Walther, 2004, p.321). Although there are many different reasons for people to read, the main goal are for getting some understanding of what the writer is trying to convey and using that information whether to gather the fact, acquire a new skill, or give pleasure (Marshall, 2012).
Mastering reading comprehension is really crucial essential for junior high school students. According to Kurikulum 2006 (Kementrian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, 2006, p.69), for junior high school students, one of the objectives to become competent in reading, the students should learn how to comprehend the meaning, purpose and text structure of descriptive text about people/animal/things both in orally and written. “Descriptive Text is a kind of text