Importance Of Self Directed Learning

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The most famous definition of self-directed learning was given by Knowles in 1975. “It is a process in which individuals take the initiative, with or without help from others, to identify their learning needs, develop their learning objectives, identify learning resources, select and implement learning strategies and assess their learning outcome” (Knowles, 1975, page 24)
Today’s reality is characterized by rapid social and technological changes. In many aspects of life and work people have to deal with constantly growing environments and therefore being better adapted to changing environments. This is accomplished by learning but must be done by themselves and for their own benefit. It is thus evident, that there is a need for self - directed people who are able to continuously update their knowledge and skills. This often means taking initiative and responsibility for the development of each one as well as personal orientation in educational plans inside or outside of formal institutional frameworks. Therein lays the value of self- directed learning.
A learning environment is intrinsically motivated if the individual has control over it. This means, individual’s ability to organize, access, use, modify and give meaning according to his educational activity. The self - directed learning process is rotated around the student and his work. However, it is not something isolated, but is influenced by teachers, classmates, friends and colleagues. The teacher should not be a