Theories Of Adult Learning

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Enlisted below is the broad classification of adult learning process into various sub-concepts such as:-
• Firstly, Androgogy that is the art and science of making adults learn by an educator.
• Secondly, Self-directed approach that is the need of individual to manage her or his own learning
• Thirdly, Transformational approach or the psycho-cultural and cognitive restructuring of an individual due to experiences
• Lastly, the class, gender and ethnicity learning that accentuate the impact of societal factors on learning.
It can be defined as the approach to become self-reliant, autonomous and self-directed by the means of experiences. It is not qualified by mission and vision but academic learning including reflection, critique …show more content…

The first core belief is the concept of the autonomous, responsible and rational adult. Mezirow believed that the goal of transformational learning is “to gain the crucial sense of agency over ourselves and our lives" that is often associated with individuals reflecting on a dysfunctional operational system or company policy, and taking action to change it. A second core belief relates to knowledge creation that is constructivist. Human beings are active participants in the process of making meaning and are the creators of knowledge and hence engage in critical reflection. The pre-conditions that satiate the concept are full information, the ability to objectively evaluate arguments and freedom from self-deception or coercion. The third main belief has relevance to social theory, which facilitates explanations of social order, conflict and changes. He articulates that the class difference and societal divisions may limit individual learning capacity. Mezirow assumes that society is made up autonomous, responsible individuals who can act to bring about incremental change to their …show more content…

Class, gender, ethnicity and learning
The fore mentioned societal factors directly affect learning in workplace. These factors and few others such as culture, sexual orientations and power relations severely affect the learning opportunities and educational achievements. These perspectives shift our focus from individual learning to acknowledgement of the importance of social forces.
Difference in language and difference in pattern of socialization also leads to promotion of inequality of opportunity and forms class differentials. Social exclusionary on the basis of ethnic groups are known to operate from many years and hence leading to underachievement of talented individuals.
Illustrating a typical stereotypes of the society in which teachers and trainers work influence their professional work is the judgement of teacher for an ideal student in accordance to her or his appearance, ability and conduct.
Additionally, feminist pedagogy is created constructed by complex socialization process where sex role for socialization in the family, gender specific curriculum that affects the trajectory of boys and girls going into science related and arts related careers, gender specific occupational training and consequent progress into gendered