Essay On Sequence Of Development

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Sequence of development and rate of development differ from one another and its important to understand the differences in regards to child's development. The reason behind this is that the sequence and rate of development are different for each individual and differentiating between children helps to identify the child's personal needs during the stages of their school years. It is crucial to effectively plan to ensure the child recieves the support they need in the areas they find most difficult. Sequence of development means the order or pattern in which a child develops, meaning the progress made from birth right up to adulthood which occurs in stages which can be categorized by age group, such as 3-4 years, or by names given like, new born, toddler, adolescent etc. The definitive pattern, in most cases, to a child's developing can involve physical development, such as fine motor skills or hand to eye co-ordination, cognitive and intellectual development, meaning they may become more observant and try mixing paint colours or trying new combinations, social, meaning that they share materials with other children or perhaps …show more content…

Sequence of development can also include both positive and negative deterioration. Rate of development involves a time frame linked to the age in which a child develops. An example of this may be where one baby may achieve walking independently at 10 months, whereas another may be able to walk at 12 months or 16 months. When recording the rate of a child's development it is important to understand they may reach the milestones at different ages, depending on the child and a range of personal and external factors that may affect them, and it can sometimes help for the carer to identify any concerns they may have within the development area which enables them to further investigate the