Essay On Child Milestones

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Child Milestones

During the first year of an infants life, there are many important factors in development. Parents have a responsibility and also a privilege to be apart of a child 's milestones. A child 's development is the process of growth of a baby to a child, teenager than to an adult. Within the first year, the most noticeable thing a child goes through is physical changes, an infants weight is doubled within the first six months then tripled within the same year. Physical growth isn 't the only thing that is noticeable within the first year of development, intellectual, emotional and social stages are also huge milestones in a child 's first year. Infants gain knowledge about their surroundings and also gain information on how to adapt to his/her environment. The development of a child is based …show more content…

During childhood, infants grow rapidly and being to differ in shape, size, height, and weight. No two children develop, learn and also grow in the same way or time frame. Nonetheless, there are common developmental milestones for infants. A child 's family is the greatest factor towards the child 's physical development. Within the first three months, a child learns a lot from the mother and father. The child will start to have control overhead movement and limb movement better than the first two months of life. By the sixth month, the child as began to sit up with a little help of the parents. The child has also learned to stand and may begin to rock back and forth while standing so it 's important to be aware of your child at all times as they begin to explore and have more interest in their environment. At the age of twelve months, the baby will have began to sit up by his/herself and the baby may also start taking his/her first steps. Although it 's important to remember that no two children grow and learn in the same way or same pace, each child is a unique