Infant Sensory Stimulation Importance

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The Significance of Sensory Stimulation in Infant Brain Development Your infant's brain has the ability to grow at an impeccable rate. By birth, it is one quarter of its adult size and by the age of 3, it will grow to be 80% of an adults. Learn how your baby's brain works and how stimulation helps infant brain development for long-term growth and health.t birth, an infant's brain is one of the only organs that is not fully developed. It has recently been researched, that genetics no longer play the only role in infant brain development; a baby's environment does as well. It is now known that sensory stimulation and neural pathway connections are major factors that lead to healthy brain function in babies. Infant Brain Development A newborn baby's brain is only …show more content…

Using positive sensory stimulation (through all five senses) in brief intervals will help these sensory pathways to become strong and therefore will achieve a sense of permanent learning. As pathways develop, it will be easier for parents to understand the needs of their babies. By providing them with physical, emotional, and cognitive experiences, they will gain much more knowledge to use in the future. They need room for mobility, for hands-on exploration ( manipulating objects, touching and exploring the world around them), and for communication in increased intervals and for longer periods of time. By exposing infants to these experiences, they will begin to become more comfortable with the world around them, which will encourage their own sensory stimulation and help to develop a connection with their