Importance Of Small Scale Industries

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Government Policies and Initiatives towards the Small Scale Industries Sector in India: A Review
Since independence the Government of India has pointed out that the small scale sector has played an important role in the development of the economy and hence an important place has been assigned to this sector in the framework of Indian planning. Prior to 1991 the industrial policies have mainly highlighted the important role played by the small scale sector and steps were taken to strengthen this sector. The policies have adopted a protective approach towards the development of this sector. The following are the industrial policies introduced by the government of India with reference to the small scale sector:

Industrial Policy Resolution of 1948
The Industrial Policy of 1948 underlined the important role played by the cottage and small scale industries in the Indian economy in terms of offering scope for individual, village or co-operative enterprise and means for the rehabilitation of displaced persons so as to achieve a balanced industrial growth. According to this policy, the cottage and small-scale industries are best suited for the better utilization and for the achievement of local self-sufficiency in respect of certain types of essential consumer goods like food, cloth and agricultural implements
At the recommendation of the Resolution of Industries Conference, the Cottage Industries Board was set up for fostering the growth of small scale industries.