Importance Of South African Constitution

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The purpose of a constitution is for a set of laws, rules and principals to be established that ensure the right functioning of the activities of the entire nation. The constitution is the supreme law, on which all other laws are based on. It unfolds the rights and responsibilities of the people. South Africa is a democratic nation. Democracy is what is often referred to as “rule of the majority”. Because South Africa is a democratic nation, its constitution is required to make certain that the civil rights of all are considered and upheld, at that no one is above the constitution. Our constitution; however, does not completely ensures that democracy and human rights exist all, in equal measure, in South Africa.
The second chapter of the constitution is the bill of rights. The bill of rights declare all the rights and responsibilities of all those in the land of South Africa. Although most of these rights apply to all those currently in the country of South Africa, not all of them do. Some rights are strictly for those considered citizens of South Africa. An example of this is the right to vote and adult suffrage, this also consists of the right to free, just and consistent elections; the right to apply for public office; and the right to establish, get involved in and campaign for a political party. This is an example of how ensures that democracy exists, in equal measure, only for the citizens of the country, and not everyone in the country itself. Our constitution does