Should Teachers Wear Uniforms

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Sometimes the cover of a book can tell more of a story then the book itself. A teacher is someone who is meant to pass down their knowledge and influence their students to do the right thing. If the teacher is dressed inappropriate then the students will believe that it is okay to dress like the teachers. Since teachers can have such an influence on students that they should have either a dress code or uniform. If they dress however they want then the students will dress however they want. Students will see the lack of rules in dress from teachers and believe that it is alright to not follow the rules. Uniforms help the teachers have more time in the morning to get things down because they don't have to think of something to wear. It also can most school by showing what school they work for and can guarantee respect from students because it shows who is charge. However, some teachers say that uniforms should be the least of the schools worries. Uniforms for teachers conveys professionalism and enforces the school dress code, showing students what is appropriate. …show more content…

Uniforms are a great option for mornings like those. People can get up and already know what to wear, which gives them more time to do what they need to do. “Best of all, I could forget about the decision-making that takes up my time and energy every morning, and put that into thinking about how to best serve my pupils.”(Rycroft-Smith). Even teachers agree that the less they have to think about what to wear the more they can think about their lessons for that day. It gives them just that couple extra minutes of rest and can help them be more energized. The more time and energy they have the more prepare and efficient they will be throughout the day. Teachers have a lot of responsibilities, with uniforms they have one less in the morning. Also, teachers can be have a big influence on their