
Impulsive In Romeo And Juliet

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Romeo is one of the main characters in this story, aged 16. Romeo is described as many things in this play, but I would describe him more as an impulsive person. Throughout this entire play, Romeo shows characteristics of an impulsive person. For example, in Act 3, scene 1, Romeo says, “for Mercutio’s soul Is but a little way above our heads Staying for thine to keep him company either thou or I, or both must go with him.” Romeo was saying this because Tybalt (Juliet's cousin) killed Mercutio (one of Romeo's friends). After Tybalt killed Mercutio, Romeo went after Tybalt to get revenge for his friend. He ended up getting his revenge and ended up killing Tybalt. Another example takes place in Act 5, Scene 3, when Romeo said, “For fear of that, …show more content…

They made worms’ meat for me.” (146). Mercutio dies as a result of the pointless feud between the Capulets and Montagues, and his dying words reveal that both houses are plagued with hatred that dooms all members of their family. Mercutio blames both families for his death. The theme is further developed when Tybalt finds Romeo at the party and assumes he is trying to start a fight. During the party, Tybalt said, “ A villain that is hither come in spite of scorn at our solemn right ”. Tybalt misunderstood why Romeo was at the party and went to tell Lord Capulet that Romeo was there to start conflict with the other Capulets because Montagues and Capulets have had a feud going on for ages. The theme of Romeo & Juliet continues to be relevant in today’s world, because modern audiences can relate to several social issues such as constant family feuds, marriage, and suicide. According to research by Bartleby Gen Z, teens are saying, “Romeo and Juliet is a relevant work for a person in modern times due to how love overpowers hatred, family can become a hardship in which battle, and being overly prideful can lead to rebellion.” This data reveals that we still continue to have similar problems in today's world like the two lovers had to face back

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