In-Game Name: Narnias, Mastermind-Skyblock: Donor

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IGN (In-Game Name) - TeamJacob | nickname is MrJacob Date of application - March 11, 2015 Age - 15 Country - United States of America Time zone - Pacific Standard Time (GMT -8) InGame ranks - Prison: Narnias, Mastermind - Skyblock: Donor 1. Why do you want to be staff? - You have to think to yourself. What is the point of life, is it to help yourself or to help others? In my opinion if I can make a difference in one persons life I'd be happy. Being Staff would mean a lot to me. I am CandyLand and I now want to move on and do something new on CycloneNetwork. I want to be able to help people. I already do, but with the rank Helper I can help more. I also see lots of times that there are no staff on the server and I think I could help

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