Link Crew Essay Examples

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Link Crew
I would like to be a Link Leader because I remember how scared I was as a freshman coming to the high school. Having two link leaders made me feel less scared. I was glad there was someone I could ask my questions to. I enjoy working with people and helping others, and I hope that I can help the upcoming freshmen with the questions they have and do fun things for them because I know what it meant to me.
I think that I should be chosen for Link Crew because I am always able to help out, give directions to lost freshmen, influence them in a positive manner, and be a kind upperclassman. I get good grades, I’m in all honors classes, I participate in a sport year round, inside and outside of school. I am involved in Calling all Colors here at Mona Shores High School, which is a group about tolerance and accepting other, and teaching others at our school how to make everyone feel equally welcome.
I plan to keep in touch with my 9th graders by doing little things for them through the year, like dropping off little items to their classes; just like I was given as a freshman. I plan to say hello in the hallways and let them all know on August 31st, for freshman orientation that if they every have any questions, that I am easy to get ahold of.
One challenge that I have faced in high …show more content…

I show personal responsibility by doing all of my classwork, homework, and studying for tests and quizzes. I show respect to all of my teachers, and always am kind to my classmates. I have integrity by always being honest and doing my own work. Discipline when i would rather be enjoying a nice day outside, or hanging out with my friends by working on school work that comes first. Engagement by taking good notes in class and always paying