In Group Bias Paper

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As a group, mostly all of our thoughts and opinions were similar when discussing the topic of this paper; which was diversity and ethnocentrism. After reading the first section "In Group Bias", we all agreed that prejudice will arise when different communities are put together. This is simply because people tend to stick together based on their culture, religion, or lifestyle. Natalie mentioned that preferences for an alike group are based on everyone's upbringing; which happens to be the topic of the next section "Questions about Race in Biology and Upbringing". Concerning this section, we realized that multiracial children are often times placed into categories that they do not fully identify with, but they are obligated to identify as because it is how they make friends or meet new kids. When …show more content…

"A sense of Identity" and "Denying differences doesn't make them go away" sections go hand in hand when talking about accepting and staying true to yourself and your culture. Mayte noticed that it talks about taking "pride" in your people's struggles as to be prejudice to others, therefore changing these things or forgetting them cannot be done, we must simply embrace them. When it comes to the topic "Colorblind usually means conforming" Karen agrees that conforming to a certain way of life whether it be appearance, religion, or culture would make our society lose its sense of uniqueness. Everything would be almost lifeless and as the text mentions, monochromatic. The last and final section "An opportunity for support" we all agreed that we are better off being a diverse and multicultural society despite discrimination and racism. We must keep working toward acceptance and respect of all ages, races, religions, and so on. Our different traits, lifestyles, and outlooks on life gives each and every one of us something different to bring to the table or “our