In The Cultural Norm Has The Scripture Modified The Original Norm?

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When reading through Webb’s criteria for persuasive in chapter four, the first criteria discussed was the preliminary criteria. The preliminary criteria bring up two questions: 1. “In the cultural norm has the scripture modified the original norm? 2. If it does bring up the original norm, is it absolute or preliminary? In this case the preliminary movement is the “biblical author pushing society as far as it could go at that time without creating more damage than good; however, it can and should ultimately go further.” (Webb, 74) Within the first criteria there are many different points that follow under the main point. Following criteria one is obviously criteria two which discussed the “seed idea.” The seed idea, “are present within the rest of the scripture to suggest and encourage further movement on a particular subject.” (83) It is also describing something that happens at an early stage and what could be. …show more content…

I think of that story because then was when the enemy planted a seed. The seed he planted was an evil one that he knew would forever change the will and purpose for this earth. From that moment on sin was and will forever be “crouching at the door, eager to control you.” But the Lord tells us to, “subdue it and be its master.” (Genesis 3:7, NLT) The enemy tried to ruin everything from that day on, but God always turns everything for good. He gave us a way out from the schemes of the evil one. We do not always take it, but that is why Jesus died on the cross. Again, that was God planting a seed. He knew that Jesus would be a seed that everyone needed. He was our way our way out, and from his sacrifice we know can live for forever and be completely forgiven of our

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