In What Temperature Will A Solar Cell Generate The Most Amount Of Energy?

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Question: In what temperature will a solar cell generate the most amount of energy? Research:
Watts is the international system of units which measures the amount of electricity the item radiates, absorbs, or dissipates. The end result of currents and volts is power. Furthermore, Watts, currents, and volts are all linked together and lead to the same result which is power. Additionally, a watt is a unit measuring the power an item generates. A watt is just a unit of measurement. Wattage Meter
A wattage meter is a device that tells how many electricity something uses, either for a small bit of time or over an extended period. A wattage meter works by plugging the device into the meter, plugging the meter into the wall, and reading the display. To determine the amount of watts the solar cell generates, plug the meter in and see how many watts a device is drawing at any given moment, or how many watts were used since being turned on (in the project it will be utilized over an extended period). A wattage meter is a tool used to determine how many watts the item generates. …show more content…

Temperature is the measurement of how hot or cold an item is. The temperature typically has units of degrees Celsius (Degree, C) or Kelvin (KK), and its heat has units of energy, Joules (JJ). Temperature is measured using a thermometer or a calorimeter. The higher the temperature, the lower amount of electricity, a solar cell

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