Including John Case Study Essay

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Case Study #2 Including John
The underlying problem or issue in my opinion is that the school failed to create a strong school climate or community for Exceptional Student Education counseling (ESE) students who are included in the general education population. I did not get the sense that John's peers had the ability to support classmates with unique needs and with sensitivity toward others’ differences. It looks as if the students do not respect and appreciate the unique differences and abilities of their peers.
The problem is not John having a disability; it's the school not having a plan in place for inclusive education. When John was preparing to matriculate from Elementary to Middle, some type of matriculation activity that encouraged collaboration between students in the general population with students who will be participating in inclusive education should have been done to make the transition smoother for John and his peers. Elementary school was safe and familiar to John. Transitioning to Middle school is a scary and unfamiliar thing.
Another issue appears to be that the teacher may not be properly trained and is having difficulty fostering an …show more content…

This is a quote I learned from one of my mentors "Fair is not everyone getting the same thing. Fair is everyone getting what they need to be successful" I am not sure where she got this quote came from, but it is something she had posted in her classroom and it was something she said she discussed with her students from day one and throughout the year so I adopted it. It is important for students to understand this in all settings and delivery models. The school John attends, Baxter Middle School, failed in making this clear to their student body fostering and environment for students to be in a warm, welcoming, and accepting