5 National Board Standards

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NBPTS Standards Has a list of five national board standards built within itself for teachers which are created by teachers, for all teachers. Focuses on National Board Certification in teaching.

Proposition 1: Shows that educators are to be committed to all students and their academic learning.

Proposition 2: Says educators should know the core subjects they teach as well know how to apply and teach the subjects to students as well.

Proposition 3: Educators as well are in charge of keeping up recording and observing their students learning.

Proposition 4: Teachers think systematically about their practice and learn from experience.

Proposition 5: Teachers are members of learning communities.

National Board for Professional Teaching …show more content…

It shows children and their education and their development their growth.(#2)

Shows what an exceptional individual’s shape of understanding can have on their learning in school and in their life. (#3)

Fully builds a learning setting for separate students with needs as exceptional learning that promote ethnic belief, and well-being, social interactions, and engagement with exceptional learning needs (#5).

Are accustomed to using resources like technology to reinforce and further improve communication of individuals with exceptional needs. (#6)

Also helps to continually label and develop many different separate transition plans as well as assessments. Educators will also come together to make possible that transition for exceptional leaners and learning needs and services are met. (# 7, 8 and 10).

The Council for Exceptional Children (CEC). http://www.cec.sped.org

The writer is clearly in command of standard, written academic English.
InTACS Standards: Standard 1: Content Pedagogy
Educator must know the main importance and idea to shape teaching which must be constructed so that students can learn from it efficiently.

Standard 2: Student …show more content…

Standard 5: Management and motivation
The teacher must be able to respect and understand students therefore creating an engaging learning environment to help assist in encouraging communication interactions and great learning engagement.

Standard 6: Technology and Communication
The teacher should be able to communicate clearly and verbally. They should be able to give students the teaching they all need to so they gain a better understanding of lessons taught by teacher. Teacher must be able to plan interesting and different things for students with curriculum, like things that envolves their surroundings and their community environment.

Standard 8: Assessment
When the teacher assesses their students it will help and benefit to check the students social thinking, and physical development of all students.

Standard 9: Reflective Practice: Professional Development
The teacher can and is there to help evaluate the students to prepare them as they will make choices and face the world for a