Radiology Resident Board Review Curriculum Summary

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Applying Dialogue Education to Effect Radiology Resident Board Review Curriculum
As a matter of convention, medical students and residents carry a heavy and stringent course load through traditional educational means. Ardent professors and attending physicians typically deposit their hard-earned knowledge upon these novices hoping the student will then draw from this collective bank of knowledge when needed. Paulo Freire referred to this as the “banking system of education” (as cited in Vella, 2008, p. 70). Education in this manner finds educators monopolizing the learning event while students passively struggle to absorb and retain the information. Although generations of brilliant physicians have learned and eventually prospered …show more content…

1-6). Jane Vella introduces this Constructivist educational philosophy under the umbrella theory that dialogue education assumes participants learn best when they relate content to their own life-experience. She urges educators employing dialogue education to actively seek out what is meaningful to the student and to empower adults to be decision makers in their own learning. In fact, Vella (2002) prompts the reader to never do what the learner can do or decide for themselves (p. 16). When we abide by her claim, we respect and honor the student for their place within the …show more content…

3). Her twelve principles of needs assessment; safety; sound relationships; sequence and reinforcement; praxis; respect for learners as decision makers; ideas, feelings, and actions; immediacy; clear roles and role development; teamwork and small groups; engagement; and accountability are based on theory that encourages transformative learning. They create a framework for a learning environment that is safe, respectful, empowering, and responsive to maximize learning. These principles, in tandem, engages the learner and makes the educational design comprehensive. They “begin, maintain, and nurture the dialogue” (Vella, 2002, p.