
Indeterminate Sentencing Pros And Cons

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Indeterminate sentencing is the process of a judge assigning a range of time in prison to a convicted offender. The length determined is based on the offender’s conduct during imprisonment. For example, a person would be sentenced up to five years, which allows for early release. Generally, is it used for non- violent felonies. There are several benefits of it. Everything counts. Things such as criminal history and conduct will add up to rehabilitation efforts to determine whether of not an offender should be free. Also, it rehabilitates offenders back into society. In addition, early release is possible. It all depends on the individual and how they behave. Those who have good behavior will be acknowledged and rewarded, while their bad behavior …show more content…

For example, a person would be sentenced to five years in prison. Generally, it is used for violent felonies. It is definite and cannot be subject to review by a parole board. It is not negotiable. Even though it is less common than indeterminate sentencing, there are several benefits of it. It saves the court time and money. Because offenders know the length of their sentence, it is easier for the court to hand its decision since no outside factors can influence the guidelines. Also, it guarantees that offenders are paying for their crimes and are being held responsible for their actions. In addition, is allows for fair punishment, ensuring that no one stays in jail longer than they should. Furthermore, it prevents discrimination. It takes out any questions of bias during the sentencing portion of trial. Moreover, it can deter crime. Less people may be tempted to commit crimes knowing how long they will be removed from society and behind bars, especially if the crime is punishable without the possibility of parole. However, there are several disadvantages. It is not flexible. There are no options. Sometimes, people make mistakes and receive a long sentence for

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