
Indian Independence Movement Gandhi Dbq Essay

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Gandhi was given too much credit for the success of the Indian Independence Movement. Discuss if this statement true?
This statement is true to a lesser extent. It has been noted throughout the years that Gandhi has been, the so called, savior of India. This is a fair statement to make as he did do a lot of work in the Indian Independence Struggle (from here on out referred to at the Struggle) but he was not the only person involved. There were many activists and great leaders that have gone unmentioned throughout the Struggles written history. Here these individuals and groups will be exposed and the truth of their works and their true efforts acknowledged. They played a massive role in the independence of India possibly more so than Gandhi himself. …show more content…

Passivism was a key ideology in the Struggle for India as it was adopted by Gandhi and many other liberal parties and activists. Passivism according to the Oxford Dictionary is “The quality or condition of being passive; a passive attitude or way of behaving; especially the principle or practice of using passive resistance.” This is exactly what happened throughout most of the protest in India for example the Salt Satyagraha (Hindi for “holding onto truth”) (Source C1) where Ghandi and his followers marched to the coast to collect salt. Or when stated in (Source D2) Khudai Khidmatgar would refuse to pay taxes to the British government. These groups were often met with violence but never retaliate. If there was a retaliation of a violent manner the campaign would be called off, for example when Gandhi called off, the effect, Non-Cooperation Movement. The Non-Cooperation Movement called for a boycott of all British products. As stated in (Source A2). Even though the campaign was called off Gandhi gained a large amount of support from the nationalist

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