Indicate Mary's Attitude Before And After Meeting Sue

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Indicate Mary’s attitude before and after meeting Sue. If there was change, why? Mary was positive, excited, and motivated before, during and directly after her review. She was excited for the upcoming year to be able to continue to put in a great amount of effort in the hopes of getting another successful review. That was until she encountered Sue, when Sue shared that her starting salary was. This took Mary by surprise, and made her visibly upset knowing that Sue is now making more than she is. What do you think Mary will do now? Later? I think Mary will go back to her Supervisor to discuss not only her reward, but her compensation in relation to Sue’s. She’ll point out the invaluable reviews she received and explain again her efforts throughout …show more content…

Explain. Mary’s reaction aligns with the equity theory in that she felt her efforts were just as much as Sues, if not greater. Sometimes employee’s may not specifically know what another co-workers reward was, but rumors and perception of what they received may have a negative impact. Knowing and sharing salaries is a sensitive subject. Why does Sue think it is okay to share her salary? I always find it interesting when an employee is willingly to offer what they are making. What is their goal in sharing it? Maybe it really is nothing, but I can’t help but think there is some underlying incentive when an employee shares their salary. Working in the accounting department we all are privy to being able to view everyone’s salary. It is understood that while having access to this information it is confidential information. Confidentiality is a requirement in all our job descriptions. In my career, I’ve experienced nothing positive ever comes out of complaining about the amount of a raise you receive or what others are receiving compared to you. Despite putting in the same effort and/or reaching higher goals. I’ve concluded that while experiencing this my myself I continue to put in the high-quality effort, be positive, and be motivated to continue to do an excellent job so that the one thing my Supervisor can’t say is that the quality of work I’m providing is …show more content…

Explain. The ERG theory best describes me, especially within the last year. I have been feeling frustrated and stuck in my current position. I have been with this company for eight years, and three years ago I was promoted to the AR Team Lead. Since my promotion, I have only received a $1.50 raise despite having excellent performance reviews every year. Being a Mom of three girls a $1.50 raise ($.50 each year to break it down) does not provide much extra money to raise a family. I get $.50 a year for the efforts I put in? It just gets frustrating year, after year. There is no place to move up within my department. The positions above me are Controller, and CFO. Both of which are occupied by individuals who are under 55 years old. I cannot wait for them to make a move to retire. I’ve decided to pursue my Master’s degree to strength my resume to allow myself better leverage in the job pool in hopefully landing a more financially secure