Individual Choices In Shakespeare's Romeo And Juliet

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The tragedy of Romeo and Juliet from Shakespeare famous play was caused from individual choices. Throughout the play, it is believed that their deaths were their destiny. However, if some of the decisions were decided with more thought, then the ending would be different. Therefore, Romeo’s and Juliet’s death were consequences of their own actions. One the mistakes that the main characters made was making impetuous decisions. For example, when Juliet talked about marriage to Romeo only hours after they meet. “If thy bent of love be honorable, thy purpose marriage,send me word tomorrow” (Shakespeare 40). After Juliet mentions about the marriage, both characters get married the next day in secret without advising their parents first. Afterwards Romeo kills Tybalt and he is banished from Verona, which speeds Juliet’s marriage to Paris and Juliet takes a great risk to avoid it. “I’ll to friar to know his remedy. If all else fail, myself have power to die” (Shakespeare 89). In this part of the play, Juliet faces a problem so she decides to ask friar for help instead of telling her parents that she is already married. Towards the end, Juliet …show more content…

One can agree that their deaths were written in the stars since they loved each other so much, they would die for each other anyway. “My life were better ended by their hate than death prorogued, wanting of thy love” (Shakespeare 38). In this quote, Romeo promises that he would die without Juliet love. “As same goes with Juliet where she too would die for Romeo. “I’ll to friar to know his remedy. If all else fail, myself have power to die” (Shakespeare 89). Juliet was determined to die for Romeo and the only way the families feud would end was through their children’s death. However, even if Romeo’s and Juliet’s death was their destiny, it does not change the fact that their impulsive decisions and miscommunications were factors of their own