Essay On Individualism

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We live in the era with the most convenient communication tools the humanity had never had before, such as social network services, text messaging, and telephones. However, the survey shows that many Americans, almost three-quarters(72 percent), feel lonely. The increase of the smaller family style and the vanish of small communities would be one of the reasons for this prevalent loneliness. Then, what altered the once existed extended family and local communities into the current state? To find the answer for this question, we examine how immigrants are assimilated, since they are tend to have traditional family and communities when they arrive. Exaggerated consumerism and the aspiration for financial success drive people into working hard …show more content…

Our individualism differs from all others because it embraces these great ideals: that while we build our society upon the attainment of the individual, we shall safeguard to every individual an equality of opportunity to take that position in the community to which his intelligence, character, ability, and ambition entitle him; that we keep the social solution free from frozen strata of classes; that we shall stimulate effort of each individual to achievement; that through an enlarging sense of responsibility and understanding we shall assist him to this attainment; while he in turn must stand up to the emery wheel of …show more content…

Thus, it is possible that the sprit of the individualism is deeper in indigenous people’s mind and they even do not notice. The utilitarian individualism subconsciously controls people’s mind, making them work hard and forcing them to abandon close-knit relation with family and local communities. This can be one of the reasons why people in the modern society still feel alone, despite the technological progression which makes communication a lot easier than the past. Now might be the time to look back on our way of lives and think of the past republican individualism as the possible