3.1) Power distance index Power distance index refers inequality in the society and which is accepted by a people of the society. the power in the society is divided unequally. The country who has high point in power distance it indicate that country has high amount unequal distribution of power and they follow leader’s power. People follows the system without any interruptions(3,5,). Empowerment helps to motivate with expectancy and reinforcement dynamics(6) 3.2) Individualism versus collectivism Individualism refers to the individual who take care of themselves only not the community. Individualism define in terms of ‘i’ and sometime their nearer family. They think about themselves only not others. They respects to maintain privacy. Collectivism …show more content…
In countries having high score in masculinity has well defined between men’s work and women’s work. In these type of countries specially female are more dominated. Japan has highest score which is 95 point. Femininity refers to the equality between men and female. power of a women are respected and women can do anything like men. Sweden has lowest score which is only 5 (3,5,7) 3.4) Uncertainty avoidance Index In this uncertainty avoidance index people of the community express uncomfortable, uncertainty and ambiguity. In the uncertainty index people of the community are governed by rules, laws and policies and they want facts and truth. The countries having high uncertainty avoidance index are very formal in every type of business and they lots of rules and policies. In opposite to it the countries who have low uncertainty avoidance index are more informal and they can take risk and accept changes(3,5). 3.5) Long term orientation versus short term …show more content…
It has been estimated that by the year of 2020 the number of Finnish elder population aged over 75 will increase to 50%. The elder population increasing because of its high lifespan rate and low birth rate. Finnish elderly people who are aged over 60 years view ageing mainly in a positive manner. They prefer to called as senior citizens or aged people. Elder people in Finland are living active life they are interested in family, relatives, home , entertainment, art and travelling. They do physical exercise and some of them are goes to open colleges to study. They have got many different type of government. Inspite of these loneliness, feeling of isolation has become pressing social issues. Especially aged over 80 years or who live alone they have such types of