This statement clearly leads to the discussion on the matter of reasoning. Reasoning is called the process of thinking about things in a logical way (Oxford Advancesd Learner 's Dictionanry, 2005). The procedure of using reason (thinking) in making a judgment or reaching a conclusion, according to a certain metholody.
Logic could be defined as the study of the principles of reasoning.
So , reasoning, as a way of justifying arguments or as research method, comes in many varying types. Different types of reasoning are approved in different fields and contexts.
So, although there are many types of reasoning which can all be connected to each other, mainly, reasoning comes in two opposite forms, the deductive and the inductive. Deductive reasoning moves from a general premise to a more specific conclusion, while Inductive reasoning moves from specific premises to a general conclusion. These two methods of reasoning will generate, as well, two different results.
More particularly, the Deductive
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The truth of the premises of an Inductive Argument is such that it makes the conclusion more or less probable.
When the premises of an Inductive argument are true, then the conclusion is likely to be true as well. Although the conclusion has always the potential to be false, it is very unlikely that it will, actually, be. This is what makes an Inductive Argument strong.
From the other hand, a weak inductive argument is the argument that the truth of its premises makes the conclusion less probable.
So, Inductive Reasoning’s conclusion can be false even if all the premises of the argument are true.
A cogent Inductive Argument is the Argument that is strong and all its premises are true.
If even one of its premises is false then the argument is believed to be