Industrial Agriculture And Its Effects On Food Deserts

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For years, majority of our food has been produced through industrial agriculture, but are we feeding ourselves or slowly starving ourselves. Industrial agriculture is the system of chemically intensive food production, featuring enormous single-crop farms and animal production facilities. This is affecting how large communities explore a basic human right, eating. Industrial agriculture has played a major part in why about 23.5 million people live in a food desert. Food deserts can be described as areas where residents’ access to affordable, healthy food options is restricted or not available due to the absence of grocery stores within convenient travelling distances. According to a report for Congress by the Economic Research Service of the …show more content…

To name a few, dry soil in a great issue in growing your own crops. If your crop beds drain and dry out too quickly, they can benefit from the addition of compost, which will add both nutrients and water-retention capacity. The North Carolina State University Cooperative Extension recommends incorporating a 3- to 6-inch layer of decomposed organic material on the ground that needs amended. Be sure to use mature compost, as compost that hasn’t fully decomposed can actually deprive your growing plants of nutrients as it continues to break down. Soil lacking organic matter will also affect the growing of our own food. Lack of soil life, failing crops and poor water retention or drainage are issues facing many crop areas and often point to an overall lack of organic matter. Soil having excess salt content or sodium content may also be an …show more content…

For example, a drought is an period of time with limited or no precipitation. Experts who have studied recent droughts say a drought occurs about once every 10 years somewhere in the United States. Droughts are believed to be the most costly of all natural disasters because of their allover effects on agriculture and related industries, and on urbanized areas. In view of the fact that droughts cannot be prevented, experts are looking for better ways to predict them and new ways to handling droughts when they occur. Health and Sanitation of water can also play a huge role in the issues we have with water. Diseases from unsafe water and lack of sanitation kill more people every year compared to all forms of violence, including war. Children are especially defenseless, because their bodies aren't strong enough to fight diarrhea, dysentery, and other illnesses. As well as adding water scarcity to this list of issues, this is a serious matter. Water scarcity is the lack of enough available water resources to meet water needs in a region. It affects every continent and around 2.8 billion people around the world at least one month out of every year. More than 1.2 billion people lack access to clean drinking

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