One positive attribute that came from Industrialization was that it provided better financial opportunities. Masses of different types of mills and factories started to show up like Flax Mills and Cotton Factories. These factories had many demands such as workers. Most of them had bad effects such as health conditions, but there were many other factories, such as the textile factory in Document 3 where it was stated that “Soon the production of exports outpaced the import of goods” (Document 3). This made most companies in England very wealthy compared to other countries like France because they could sell more than they bought.
Zehra Fatima 1/18/2023 Ms. Gray Industrial Revolution The Industrial Revolution took place during the 1800s in Great Britain. During this time, the people started to use natural resources such as coal and water to develop factories and machinery, which led to the making of cheaper goods. It was accompanied by many inventors who created technology to develop the production of goods.
The Industrial Revolution offered new jobs with better wages, more efficient manufacturing, and advanced technology. The Revolution was going to change the world in a small matter of time. Although there are many factors, the main things that contributed to the outbreak of the Industrial Revolution in Britain were their good geographical location and their access to resources. One of the biggest factors in the outbreak of the Industrial Revolution in Britain was geography because it was an island, and they had colonies producing goods
The 17th and 18th centuries marked a period of revolutions that would be perceived as one of the most successful human advancement eras known in modern history. Forty-thousand people were left dead in the streets of Paris in the early 1800s during the French Revolution, while almost thirty-five thousand people a year perished in factories as an outcome of the Industrial Revolution. During the French Revolution, low-income civilians took to the streets causing uprisings as government-controlled prices were shifted to higher, less affordable prices. However, the revolution did have successes as it helped the nation get rid of its monarchy and created civil laws that benefited the middle and lower classes.
The Industrial Revolution began in England in the 1700’s within the textile industry. The Industrial Revolution was the transition to new manufacturing processes by using different machines. Before the Industrial Revolution people made different things by hand or simple tools. For example, people wove textiles by hand, and after the Industrial Revolution machines were used instead. The Industrial Revolution began in England because of many reasons.
The Industrial Revolution began in Great Britain because of its geographical qualities, new change within their social structure, and economical concepts formed at the time. I will be discussing how Great Britain's many rivers, accessibility to trading with neighboring countries, and multiple territories helped them begin the revolution. As well as, how the addition of one social class, and their big divide between classes influenced the beginning of industrialization. Lastly, I will talk about how economical concepts like mercantilism, capitalism, and communism sparked this new era of the world. So in other words, there are many reasons as to why the Industrial Revolution began in Great Britain.
By 1780’s, the Industrial Revolution in Great Britain began to further accelerate as machinery advancements allowed factories and businesses to produce more at a cheaper and faster rate. Cites such as Manchester, were greatly affected and became vast areas constructed of canals, railroads, and areas of development. Poor living and working conditions along side a dismal city were issues caused by the industrial growth of Manchester; as the course of the 19th century continued reforms were imposed to resolve these issues. Fast and cheap production produced extensive work hours for labors with quite the atrocious atmosphere. “If you visit a factory, it is easy to see that the comfort and welfare of the workers have never entered the builder's
In the mid-1700s, industrialization gave birth and made Europe grow quicker than it ever had before. With the increase in industrialization and technology, life expectancy and quality of life are expected to go up. The industrial revolution assisted America with expanding its population and creating groundbreaking technological advancements such as coal, the internal-combustion engine, and oil, which allowed for steam engines, automobiles, and lighting. This eventually led to an increase in life and made things easier but with these came poor factory conditions and harsh labor.
The industrial revolution caused a massive influx of farm workers into urban cities, their farms having been modernized by the seed drill, they came looking for work. mainly unskilled and semi-skilled labor like the textile industry or coal mining industry. After, workers began to demand a higher working condition and higher living condition. People began advocating government reform on things like work hours and child labor, forming things like unions. Some supporters of more radical ideas advocated gender equality and electoral equality, saying that was vital to better life in the working class.
The Industrial Revolution was one of the most drastic changes in society, economy, and overall life throughout Great Britain. By the 1780’s, the British Industrial Revolution began to truly accelerate after people realized they had access to resources such as coal and iron. The people of England used these resources to create machines, such as the Steam Engine. Not only did these new inventions make England wealthy, but transportation and the quality of clothing also improved, along with several other issues. Yet, although so much change was in occurrence, it was not all positive.
The Industrial Revolution created a faster mode of transportation, the Steam Engine. The steam engine positively affected the people in the Industrial Revolution and so did the factories built. The Industrial Revolution, itself, had helped create many new inventions that made farming, writing, and traveling more easier for the people of the revolution. Although many children and factory workers faced many problems, it eventually led to the Factory Acts and the School Sites Acts, some of the greatest outcomes of the Industrial Revolution to have positive effects on the rest of the world. The world would not be better off without the Industrial Revolution because it developed a new and faster mode of transportation and led to the Factory Acts
Industrial Revolution begin in England because The Agricultral Recolution made people to produce more food , get more group of People left other Occuptations and Came,to Spinning for the Sake of the high wages. Financial Revolution such as stock markets, banks and jot stock buisness supported people, especially in Northern Europe, to invest, trade, and they buy new a technologies. They Could make among them…. Upwards of 48,000 Pins a day but if they had all worked Seperately and indepently they Certainly Could not each of them have made twenty in a day. We reconized that Englnad is rich in these Advantage.
The development of steam-powered machines and the process of mass production in England was when the Industrial Revolution began. This was a great time of powerful growth. I gave many people jobs and products to buy. The economy grew tremendously. The Industrial Revolution began in Great Britain for many reasons.
Firstly, Britain had access to abundant natural resources such as coal and iron ore, which were essential for the development of new technologies. Secondly, Britain had a strong and stable government that supported innovation and entrepreneurship. Thirdly, Britain had a large labor force due to the enclosure of common lands and the displacement of rural workers, which provided a ready pool of labor for the new factories. The new form of work that was developed due to the Industrial Revolution was the factory system.
The Industrial Revolution began in England for many reasons. In 1700s,Britain 's economy was mainly an agricultural economy. Wealthy landowners bought up all the land and enclosed their land with fences allowing them to cultivate larger fields called enclosures. This caused the enclosure movement, which put most small farmers out of work causing them to move to cities. This movement to cities is known as urbanization, which gave Britain a large population of workers.