Industrialization Effects On American History

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The topic of industry during the early part of the twentieth century was very abundant due to the many factories and machines that were being used to run these factories. This topic is important to history due to its significance and how important it was to the labor movement in the early Industrial age. Many experts wrote about what they witnessed during this time due to either first hand experience working in the factories, or what they wrote based on the accounts of people that were in the many industries during the period as well. Industrialization changed the way Americans work and made life easier overall as well for the most part. The everyday lives of the American people were being changed due to the accessibility to machines to the …show more content…

Machines were on the rise, technology was going to start booming, as well as the old style of doing things taking a backseat to industry for now (286). Americans after the Civil War were very interested in machines and how they would change society for the future. They also wanted to know how they would affect society as a whole, as well as how they would help the life of an everyday American citizen when to their lives easier. This era of humans post American Civil War was going to now be defined by the Industrial Revolution, rather than revolutions that involved a lot of politics and people going to war over religion and God (288). This period in American history was going to be looked back upon for the advancements in technology and how it affected people socially as well. Mand historians of the time knew that this era was going to be different from any other time in human history due to the materials being used to advance further industrially than can be argued at other point in human history (291). The resources that were being found during the early part of the twentieth century were going to be used to put Americans ahead further than they have ever been before in their existence dating back to the eighteenth century. When people look back at the time before the before the booming of industry, they will see times where people were focused on much simpler ideas due to the lack of resources and less stress because of the lives they were living during that time before the twentieth century