Inequalities In Animal Farm

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Everyone is the same, everyone is equal, we all know the sames things, or so we thought. The animals in Animal Farm were being told these things when really there was a massive inequality. When the animals began to rebel to gain their freedom from the humans they were told that life without the dictating humans would be so much better. The animals agreed that life would be less stressful and laborious but little did they know that the rebellion would end with their society falling. When creating their new humanless government the citizens should have been educated, they should have had more diversity inside the government; and the ultimate rulers should be less selfish. If the animals on Animal Farm would have followed those precautions then …show more content…

The animals must be educated because their job as citizens is to hold their leaders accountable for their actions and words. The animals in animal farm were unable to do so because, not only could most of them not get past the letter D in the alphabet, but most of them had a hard time remembering things, for example, “No animal shall kill any other animal without cause. Somehow or other, the last two words had slipped out of the animals’ memory” (Animal Farm pg. 91). If the animals were educated they would have realized that the commandments were being changed and that the pigs were being selfish. All the animals were so tractable and easy to manipulate because they were not smart. Something as simple as reading and writing could be just what the failing animal society needed to …show more content…

But, they didn't have to be. If the the citizens were more intelligent, if the government was more diverse and if the ultimate rulers were less selfish, then this failed society would have flourished. The pigs manipulated the rest of the animals because they were dumb. If there was more diversity then the death of all of the helpful animals on the farm could have been avoided. And if the pigs would have put the wants and needs of their citizens in front of their own then things like the money spent in trade would have benefited all of the animals not only the pigs. There is hope for Animal Farm, only if change is