Inequality In An Economized World Essay

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Tolerating Inequality in an Economized World

1. Introduction
This essay problematizes the paradox of tolerating intensified amounts of inequality in seemingly democratic nations. A characteristic of contemporary capitalism is that of winners and losers notably displayed in the striking degrees of inequality. It is argued that neoliberalism is the governing rationality that not only generates but also justifies extreme inequalities through appropriated norms. Fundamentally this discourse recognizes the contradictory indication of equality in democracy as being reduced to the idea that citizens have equal opportunity to competition in a plutocratic globe. Thus, by capitalism facilitating citizens’ responsibility to one-self thereby for one-self, society has grown insensitive to other humans leading to the disregard of collective issues concerning the well-being of humanity. Therefore, the concept of inequality is expanded upon in order to comprehend the extremity of the situation. Withal it is disputed that inequality has become socially normative and indeed a necessary, contrived consequence of capitalism.

2. Inequality
The winners of …show more content…

The logic behind neoliberalism is that the market is the governing principle. Conditionally the state’s role is to provide individual property rights, the rule of law and facilitate free markets and trade. Whereas various political decisions to guide the process are deregulation, liberalization and reduction in tariffs (Oxfam 2016 p 4). Moreover, neoliberal rationality takes stride inhabiting state’s governing mentality or in other words “governmentality” as termed by Foucault (Van der Zwan 2013 p 102). Correspondingly, this garners a particularly motivated individual for self-responsibility and thereby enabling an ambitious devotion to the economic prospect of the nation (Brown 2015 p