Inequality In Black Schools Research Paper

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As much as we may continue to deny it or ignore it, our country was strongly founded on the ideals of inequality;throughout its existence it has benefited at the expense of others. This for sure, has caused a great line of demarcation between the two major races in the nation,white and black. America believes it has gotten through slavery. America thinks it has has pulled through civil rights. Americans have left segregation alone thinking that it no longer concerns the nation. But in reality, has any of this ended, or has another stage begun? The truth of the matter is that it will never end, it will never cease. In today’s day and age, the pattern of inequality or imbalance lives within the school system— this is the new stage. The problem …show more content…

Because of the fact that this problem goes back on a historical scale, is a major reason as to why it may never end. At the same time, ignorant mindsets, such as failing to realize the presence of white privilege proves to be the reason why no help is given to predominantly black schools. Because they feel no help is needed, they think that everything is equal for everyone. Reasons as to why black kids have low graduation rates, in the eyes of the school system, is caused by lack of good nature, nurture, parental guidance, or community influence. The truth of the matter, however, is the fact that the environment that students reside in effects their education. For instance, an underdeveloped city invites underdeveloped schooling and education, compared to a rich white suburb which provides safe and beneficial learning facilities to its students. This issue directly contributes to the concept of in-school segregation, meaning that black students attending predominantly African-American schools will have limited resources, and ineffective programs, while white children attending predominantly white schools in the suburbs will be granted the best provisions in order to be most successful. In summary, ongoing segregation in the American school system produces two separate classes of …show more content…

As mentioned before, the environment can hinder or help the education of a child. The government’s lack of supporting children in such cities in which violence, crime, and poverty take place is a direct cause of black students not being successful. If we take the two different worlds of Chicago into perspective, the Northside and the Southside, it is evident that the Northside provides an overall better environment compared to the Southside. Black families living in the South side of Chicago face the obstacle of not being financially competent enough to provide their children with the best education commonly found in the North side. Once again, segregation is formed by blocking out the poor families from the safe haven of the North side, and throwing them into the struggles of life in the South side. Black children seeking a better life, or simply a better education are immediately denied that right because of the shackles of poverty. However, if the government instituted more programs to uplift the school facilities and educational programs in the South side of Chicago, or if they financially provided for families in search of giving their children the right education they deserved, perhaps in-school segregation would not