Inequality In Social Class

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Social Class and inequality have always been interrelated and it is one of the most timely and relevant issue faced by society today. According to Wright and Shin (1988) Social Class is regarded as inexpugnable or it is not usually a subject to change, it is an identity given to people who share the same experience and status in terms of processual concept of Class. Social Classes are oftentimes measured by income, job and education. All of these also determine our socioeconomic status that is why Social class and socioeconomic status are words that correspond to each other, which also pertains to Social Stratification. In the United States, Stratification of status is categorized into four: the working class, lower-middle class, intelligentsia …show more content…

Structural mobility has two possible outcomes, one is when an individual improves the indicators of Social Classes (wealth, education etc.) that enables them to move up the hierarchy. Second is when an individual fails to sustain or maintain their social class, their situation may worsen. As for Circulation Mobility, it depends on the fairness in the allocation of opportunities and other necessities given by the society (Bok, 1996). Rise in Social inequality have been proven by the wide salary gap between the rich and the poor. For instance (Sawhill & Morton, 2008) states that during the years between 1979 and 2004 “After tax income of the poorest one- fifth of Americans increased by 9%, the richest one- fifth of Americans saw an increase of 69%”. Almost half of the total household salary was earned by “Twenty percent of the richest households in the United States in 2004”as claimed by (Arcs & Zimmerman, 2008), while According to (Haskins, n.d.) 70% of income was gained by 10% of the richest …show more content…

It is also characterized by many different ways such as unequal salary, limited cultural resources, unequal access to education, and most of all, the inequitable treatment given by the judicial system, police, and many more, may it be governmental or non-governmental in other words, Social Injustice. Social Inequality can be classified into two ways: the inequality of condition and Inequality of opportunities (Crossman, 2017). Unequal access to education, limited cultural resources, and the other things mentioned above fall under inequality of condition wherein people in lower classes are deprived or given less than the people belonging to the upper class. With opportunities, it deals with how people can survive their everyday living with grabbing chances to produce money for certain purposes. Jencks (1988) points out that opportunity can be additionally a component of a cooperation between an individual and his or her unique circumstance. However, individuals do not have the same sources, background (more specifically in the field of education), and position in the society that is why our environment for earning, or workplace rather, may not treat us fairly. It only implies that opportunities that are coming are not meant for