Influential Contextual Research Artist: Vincent Van Gogh

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Ella Nasser
Contextual research essay

"As an artist you are only a link in a chain, and whatever you find or whatever you do not find, you can find comfort in it."- Vincent Van Gogh

Inspiration is a curious idea. The amount of influences that can affect the nature and creativity of a persons artwork is countless, and to pinpoint a true inspiration is difficult but if I had to choose my most influential contextual research artist my inspiration would have to be both Vincent Van Gogh use of colour an his use of impasto and Valerie Hegarty subject matter of beautifully decayed fruit.

Vincent Van Gogh expressed his feelings and emotions through his work. I remember the first time I saw his artwork at the museum,I felt a rolacoaster of emotions,they …show more content…

Her paintings Are experimental and subversive. Her signature touch from analyzing most of her works is that she makes her work look as if it is decaying. Her fruit portraits, Especially her watermelons, I like how they are very bodily especially how they look smashed. My favorite and the one that has influenced my subject matter the most is The watermelon tongue which is a painting of a decayed watermelon with tongue sticking out and her painting of the crow With peaches still life,both these painting have brought me to my current subject matter of my fruits and insects. Hegarty had explained how fruit in her works represent The theme of nature and human greed,her watermelon tongue was inspired by an episode in China in which genetically engineered watermelons exploded due to the flesh growing more quickly due to them being genetically motified,"the piece hints at the darker concept of mankind's fascination with manipulating nature to make it produce in ways that are no longer natural, and that those pursuits may yield undesirable results." This subject matter had inspired me to look further into the idea of fruit and had inspired the symbolism of my painting which has fruits with butterflies which symbolizes the purity of fruit and the cycle of life. I have incorporated Hegarty