Info 266 Collection Development: Selection Assignment Analysis

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Info 266: Collection Development–Selection Assignment

The first piece of evidence is from Info 266, Collection Development. In this assignment, students were allotted a fake $750 budget. From there, students were to look online from websites such as The Library Journal or Booklist Online and many others. The purpose of looking at these websites was to read, and review book reviews, and determine if that book was suitable for a collection. Students then needed to write a four page paper dissecting their reasons for choosing the selection they did.

This assignment has taught me a lot about what to expect when conducting a selection for a library collection with a limited budget. Sometimes library’s do not have a big budget to begin …show more content…

In this assignment, students needed to choose any library and evaluate the community within that library. The reason behind the evaluation of the community was to see what surrounding aspects could potentially affect the library’s collection. These aspects range anywhere from the different races involved in the community, to the different age groups in the surrounding area. For example, if a race is more dominant such as the Latino/Hispanic race and the library collection is seriously lacking in the Spanish collection, it is something the collection management staff should consider …show more content…

Info 284: Seminar In Archives And Records Management–Final Curation Plan

This last piece of evidence is from Info 284, Seminar in Archives and Records Management. This assignment was a group effort. For my part of the group, I gave suggestions, as well as edited material, and presented material. In this assignment, students needed to work with an individual in need of a curation plan. Our group was fortunate to work with a librarian at University of Virginia’s Music Library. We as a group conducted a plan that would help curate and preserve their raw digitized material.

This assignment helped me understand and realize how important having a plan to preserve and curate items can be. Items can be potentially lost or destroyed if not taken care of properly. Without a plan and action set in place, many essential and cherished material found in a library may not survive. Curating and preserving these materials allows others and future generations a chance to view important documents from past history. All libraries should have a curation plan set in place and regularly conducted to ensure the lasting continuance of these