An informal measure of fluency that the clinician utilized is the fluency charting grid from the Kenneth G. Shipley and Julie G. McAfee where she identified the number of disfluent and fluent productions that the client made during the speech sample. IV. RESULTS: The following results are based on the formal and informal assessments that were previously administered. A. Behavioral Observation Alexander’s behavior was observed throughout the whole evaluation by the clinician. The only sort of behavior problems the clinician noted was when the client would get frustrated when he was trying to get something across. B. Receptive Language In the Preschool Language Scale- 5th edition (PLS-5) the client’s standard score for the auditory comprehension portion was 72, which falls -2 standard deviations more from the mean’s standard score for Alexander’s age. Therefore, the child has a mild receptive language disorder. The standard score was based on a scale to compare the patient with children of the same chronological age. Based on the percentage of performance of Alexander, he received a percentile rank of 5% in comparison to the normed population of the PLS-5. The PLS-5 indicates that the patient’s age equivalence is at 4.4 years …show more content…
With these results, the clinician concluded that the client has a mild receptive language disorder. Alexander’s percentage performance compared to the normed population was at 4% and has an age equivalence of a 4.6-year-old. The clinician then estimated the range where the child’s true score fell, which is + or – the standard score, also known as the confidence interval. The confidence interval ranged from 89 to 59. According to the CREVT-2, the client’s receptive vocabulary falls below the expectations of his age