Phonemics Awareness Assessment

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Kalina is a 3rd grade student with Other Health Impairment of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and speech impairment. She is an outstanding student when it comes to reading fluency, spelling vocabulary and mathematics, but due to her ADHD it affects her ability to remain focused which her ability of reading comprehension. In addition, Kalina does not have a learning disability, but does use a graphic organizer to help her remain focused on the reading material. Kalina participates in small group reading instruction for comprehension, but individualize instruction for math and vocabulary lessons. Kalina is required to have extra time to do a test and/or assignments as she is unable to stay focused due to her ADHD. In addition, …show more content…

She tends to struggle with reading comprehension when answering question orally and written. The student has strong communication and listening skills as she was capable of recognizing the sounds of a word and breaking down a word based on its sound. The examiner presented the student with Phonemics Awareness Test which address a student Blending Sounds, High Frequency Word, Initial Consonant Sound, Letter Name, Phonemic Segmentation, and Phonics Test. During six formal assessment within the Phonemics Awareness Test, the student shown proficient understanding of being able to understand the beginning phase of identifying words based on their sounds in addition to frequency …show more content…

As Kalina is in 3rd grade and has been in school since the age of 3, she was able to identify each letter without difficulty. In the Phonemic Segmentation Test Form (A) the student will detach the sound of a word to ensure they are ready for phonics instruction by listening to a spoken words and separating the word by the initial, medial, and final by saying the sound. Kalina show no delay in being able to reinstate the sounds of each word section as she has been in speech therapy since the age of 2. Kalina is also able to pronounce words along with the spelling beyond her grade level. The last assessment in the Phonemics Awareness Test is Phonics assessment which is the ability for students to pronounce a word while using the initial consonant sounds as well as using the correct common rimes syllabication, affixes (prefixes and suffixes) and r-controlled