Informative Essay About Thanksgiving-Day

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Thanksgiving-day is one of my favorite Holliday in my life more than any other of American holidays. I would like to share about this great holiday and its myth on early time. How celebrated by most American every year on fall November 24 with my discussion board mate and my professor Amy. Thanksgiving-day which is celebrated every year is the occasion on which we give thanks to God as a nation for the blessings that he[sic (to keep watch on)] hate bestowed upon us. More than any other celebrations such as overtly patriotic holidays as independence-day and memorial-day, thanksgiving-day is one of the best holiday in America. According to,Tbt America pageant,history textbooks drew a big picture of American how this nation was exceptional,unique,and big more than any other nation the …show more content…

"For this matter, most pilgrims was viewed as christian,sober,democratic.generous to the Indians. The third point that I found an interesting reading from the book Lies my teacher told me by James W. Loewen about animal how affected the settlers by diseases. The Western Hemisphere people had no any animals before the arrival of Europeans and Africans, after 1492 many disease like anthrax to tuberculosis,cholera to steptcoccosis, ringworm to various poxerare passed back and forth between human and livestock. Since early inhabitants of the Western Hemisphere had no livestock, they caught no disease from them. Finally, I found from the video of Monumental Myths which is written,produced, and presented by Tom Trinley about the birth place Abraham Lincoln cabin,Hodgenville,Kentucky and his untruth ideology of struggling for free slave.As James W.Loewen author, Lies Across America explain how the two different birth places of cabin of Abraham Lincoln are not showing the truth about his birth places. Lonnie Bunch director, Smithsonian Africa America Museum on his speech, he was