Informative Essay: Is Climate Change A Reality?

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Climate change is hot political topic. There is a huge debate about whether it is natural, man-made, and some even question if it is a reality. One of the biggest ideas spread against climate change is that there is no evidence. Yet, as these debates go on, our world keeps showing signs of climate change, scientist provide more evidence, and the effects of ignoring the problem become visible. There is so much evidence for climate change that is hard to deny the issue. We see glaciers melting, ice caps breaking, and sea level rising. But, people still do deny the issue and this is troubling for our future. Climate change is a huge issue and needs to be dealt with; if we don’t take steps to improve it, we will see continues ripple effects throughout the planet. While people continue to say there is no evidence for climate change we can see numerous studies that have been done and continue to be done. One of the most known findings from these studies involves carbon emissions. It has become common knowledge that the world has been releasing carbon into the air and that there is a danger hidden within the smoke. A major source of carbon emission is fossil fuel which is made from coal, oil, and natural gas. …show more content…

The Antarctic, known for its incredible food chain, ice sheets, and glaciers; is also at risk to change the world as we know it. Just like Greenland, the Antarctic is rabidly melting and major glaciers located against the water are at risk of collapsing. The glaciers there and in countries nearby like Chili, the glaciers are retreating way beyond its natural cycle. Focusing on one part in particular, the West Antarctic ice sheet is under major risk. The section of the West Antarctic ice sheet that is under the most risk is small compared the entirety of the West Antarctic, but that section has the ability to re-map the planet. If they melt it will cause more than three feet of sea level