
Informative Essay: Jackie Robinson's Role In Baseball

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Jackie Robinson was born on January 31, 1919 in Cairo, Georgia. Jackie was the youngest of 5 kids. His mom was very tough and raised all 5 kids by herself, her name is Mallie Robinson. Jackie was very proud of his mother and admired the way she stood up for her rights. Jackie attended John Muir High School, where he excelled in sports in high school and college. He went to Pasadena College where he played 4 sports, football, baseball, track, and basketball. He was very talented in all of them, but he really saw something in baseball. Coming out out of college, Jackie was rejected by the Boston Red Sox, he then went off to serve in the military, Jackie was soon promoted to 2nd lieutenant, and after got platoon leader. On August 28, 1945 he met with Branch Rickey. Then on October 23, 1945 Jackie Robinson signed a contract to play with the Montreal Royals of the International League. Jackie plays his first professional baseball game for the Montreal Royals at Roosevelt Stadium in Jersey City, New Jersey. After Montreal’s season the Brooklyn Dodgers announced that they would be signing Jackie to the team. At his first professional game, Jackie had to be the the best on the field at all times, and he had to have lots of courage to take …show more content…

One example of this is when Jackie joined Martin Luther King Jr. in a civil rights protest in Birmingham, Alabama. In addition to marches, Jackie Robinson acted as a spokesman and fundraiser for the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP). He also helped the problem of segregation in United States. Jackie traveled all around the country to encourage African Americans to fight for their rights. He also pushed for African Americans to vote and because of that his church was burnt down. He was trying to raise money to rebuild several other churches that were

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