Informative Essay On Adhd

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ADHD About 5-11% of American children have ADHD and only about half get the treatments that they so desperately need. Children and Adults need many treatments ranging from expensive drugs to mind numbing therapy sessions. Along with that the science behind ADHD is similar to that of an adrenaline rush, all day everyday. On top of all of that there is the constant fear of being bullied for how they act and receive things. Although it has been described as being a disorder by the CDC some people still don't believe that it is a real disorder and treat it as such. People around the world have ADHD and many people don't have the money or self-will to to get medications. For example, my younger brother Ryan (who has ADHD) has a prescribed medication that roughly costs …show more content…

This shows that medications for ADHD is overly expensive just to cause them to become essentially zombies. They are numb to any and all feelings and just want to sleep. Medications can range from $15.00 a month to $500.00. Along with the prices it shows which medications work or don't. For example, if you got a medication for $15.00 (which would be the generic) could not help the person at all. The $500.00 one however (name-brand) would be able to take the symptoms and practically make them non existent, if possible. Another form of treatment would be Behavioral Therapy, which in essence is a therapy session spanning over years to help the ADHD person and their family learn how to cope and work around ADHD. Although Behavioral Therapy takes a long time and a lot of money for it to fully take effect it helps in the long run when medication

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