Informative Essay On Animal Disease

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There are many viral diseases that can be transmitted from animals to humans. However, none are as terrifying as rabies. It is transmitted through the bite or scratch of the infected animal. It can also be transmitted if a human comes in content with the animal’s infectious fluids. For example, if the saliva were to come in contact the hand of a human (no bite) and there was already a small cut, they will become infected. If not properly treated before or after, the virus can cause deadly consequences. There are many preventative precautions for people and their pets. The veterinarian will often give the rabies vaccine as early as 16 weeks of age or within months. It simply depends on the rules and regulations of the state one resides in. …show more content…

The rabies name comes from Latin origin and it means madness and rage. Currently the statistics are very compelling evidence that this disease requires great precautions. More than 55,000 people die annually, and it mainly occurs in developing countries such as Africa and Asia. Dogs are considered the main source of rabies as they account for 99% of all transmissions to humans. However, in the case of transmission from animal to animal. The disease can be traced back to bats, raccoons, skunks, and foxes. The virus travels through the nerves, not blood. It reaches the brain at about 3 inches per day. Once the nerves in the brain are infection, death is …show more content…

The early stages may begin with a fever and symptoms that can be confused with regular sickness. In the late stages, the human or animal begins to experience a delirious mind and Hydrophobia. They have difficulty drinking water and holding in their saliva. Causing for the foaming at the mouth that many doctors see in the patients. Unfortunately, once the victim does force themselves to drink water, the muscles in the throat begin to violently spasm. The victim will then either vomit, choke, or spit out the water. When the animal or human becomes delirious, they are almost in a zombie state. They are no longer themselves and will lash out at anyone or anything. They will become violent, their pupils will be dilated, and they will speak or make sounds that are incoherent. Finally, paralysis or cardiac failure will occur, and the victim will die. It is a very painful and torturous death. That is why preventative care is extremely important in people and animals who are constantly around strays or wildlife. Especially, when traveling to countries in which rabies is common. Though it is not required to enter a country, receiving the vaccine could save the lives of many