
Informative Essay On Islam In America

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In this 21st century, religion is a universal foundation of human society. Everyone has their own belief and dependencies no matter in the past or present. Today we are going to talk about the world’s second largest religion after Christianity which is Islam specifically in America. Muslim in America is a developing population and diversified which currently estimates at 3.45 million people of all ages and from around the globe (“Demographic”). Even so, it is only about 1% of the total United State population. In other words, Muslim is a minority society in America. We cannot deny that Muslim in America facing some challenges practicing their belief especially in the aspect of their obligatory prayer. Moreover, the challenges getting worse after the incident of September 11 attacks which give a large impact for Muslim significantly finding a comfortable place and suitable times to perform their prayer are always a problem for Muslim …show more content…

By the time of a prayer time, he decided to pray at the place with most fewer people which is on the rooftop. Before he even finished, the building had already been surrounded by a SWAT team and snipers (Ullah). Based on this story, even pray in a private place can become a threat to American, not to mention if Muslim pray in a public area. There are also a lot of horrid stories which Muslim being attacked while praying. They can be attacked either with a physical attack or verbal attack. For this reason, most of the Muslims are trying to avoid this kind of incident happen to them by finding a place that no one will pass by. Moreover, Muslims aware that they are labeled as a terrorist after the September 11th incident. Therefore, Muslims in America nowadays still struggle to find a specific place to pray and sometimes pray in fear because of the cruelty of racist American who will hurt Muslims

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