
Informative Essay On Obesity

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The efffect that obesity has had on me it that "some" of my family members where obese, as well as a couple of my friends. Pesonally i've never had to deal with obesity firdr hand, but just looking art others i saw it as a struggle. I knew some of the risks of obesity but not all of them. I never really took the time to see how it was effectung my community, until I saw all the television commercials about it. Obesity can lead to high blood pressure, stroke, cancer, sleep apnea, and more. The health risks of obesity are endless. I grew up with an aunt that was obese, as i grew up, I started recongizing the symptoms that im reading about today. She also had high blood pressure, and type 2 diabetes. I could see how this was taking a toll on her personal life as well. The fast food industry is one of the most largest sectors of the United States economy. …show more content…

Obesity is more than just eating healthy, its also about good exercise. There are many ways obesity can be reversed. People who are food and/or of low income face additional challenges and risks. More specifically, obesity among food insecure people - as well as among low income people - occurs in part because they are subject to same influences as other Americas, but also becsause they face additional challenges in adopting healthful behaviors. Low income neighborhoods frequently lack full service grocery stores and farmers markets where residents can buy a variety of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lowfat dairy products. Instead, residents may be limited to shopping at small neighborhood convience and corner stores, where fresh foods and low fat items are limited, if available at all. US studies examining neihborhood disparities in food access found that neihborhood residents with better access to super markets and limited

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