Informative Essay: The Amazing Amendment

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The amazing amendment
If we did not have the first amendment we would not be a free country.The first amendment gives us many rights. The first amendment gives us the right to freedom of speech, religion,press,assembly, and petition. The first amendment’s meaning and purpose is on the right to bear arms and including impact on the citizens of America. The first Amendment is very important in the Bill of rights. The first amendment
The first amendment allows citizens to express and to and to exposed to a wide range of opinions and views. According to congress shall make no law for following only one religion, or prohibiting the free exercise.On september 25th, 1789, …show more content…

would not have been able to give his I have a dream speech.According to the first amendment gurantees us freedom of religion in two clauses. The establishment clause, prohibits the government from establishing an official church.And also the free exercise clause that allows people to worship as they please.
According to As Benjamin Franklin proclaimed “who ever would throw a liberty of a nation must begin by subduing the freeness of speech . To protect this principle the founders established the freedom of speech/press in the first amendment. the first amendment allows us
The first amendment allows citizens to express and to be exposed to a wide range of opinions and views. According to Congress shall make no law for for following only one religion. Or prohibiting the free exercise.On 9/25/1789, congress transmitted to the states 12 proposed amendments.The supreme court has interpreted the extent of the protection afforded to these rights.According to at the time of our nations inception the founders believe that the open free exchange of ideas was necessary for the survival of a representitive