
Informative Essay: The Case For Debt-Free College

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Many students' lives have been significantly impacted by colleges, which have allowed them the opportunity to follow their personal goals. Despite this, many students are unable to enter the colleges of their choice. To pay for their college educations, 23% of undergraduates who are 24 years old or younger, work at least 20 hours per week. Even while some students receive scholarships, this doesn't mean that their entire tuition will be covered. Free college allows students to expand their knowledge and problem-solving abilities without needing to work for months to pay thousands of dollars.
According to, “5 reasons why college should be free: the case for debt-free education”, the text states, “When students are not worried about money, they can focus better on their studies. Even when …show more content…

This added stress can negatively impact their focus.” This shows how pressure is greatly increased as there is money on top of everything else going on in school, such as keeping up with homework assignments and attending sports. If the family couldn't pay the costs, the child would have to leave school. A student who graduates from college in debt will also have to wait longer to buy a house or a vehicle because the loan will continue to increase with interest. This is unfair because they have already completed their education, and the last thing they need to think about is having to still pay off their debt. In addition, based on “10 Reasons why college should not be free and 12 reasons why it should be”, the passage states,

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