
Informative Essay: The Grand Canyon

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The Grand Canyon may be the most famous place people visit. There are probably a lot of different reasons why the Grand Canyon is important and special but I think I know three of the reasons. Three reasons why the Grand Canyon may be very popular is there is wild life , there is history, and the natural beauty.

The Grand Canyon is very popular. Some people know this place because of the history.The history of the Grand Canyon is interesting. Some people know that the grand canyon is older than dinosaurs and when they died and people were alive the people lived in the Grand canyon.But how did they survive in the canyon?Well the way they survived in the canyon is they grew crops. And they would make homes. And they would probably go to …show more content…

And the way the canyon was made wa there was water and over time the water carved though the rocks

The Grand Canyon has wildlife in its canyon.it has, “47 different reptiles ,17 different fish , and 9 different amphibians”( did you know). With all those animals imagen what the place would look like. And with all those animals where would they live?Well in the canyon there are some small spaces and maybe some pretty big holes where the animals live. And if the animals there don't eat meat or they can’t find any there are always plants . There are 1,000 plants. “ The Grand Canyon is the second biggest Canyon in the world”, if the canyon is that big then there has to be a lot of places for them to live in.

Have you seen the natural beauty of the Grand canyon? I haven't but I bet that it's beautiful. And with all the life in the canyon then it has to be beautiful. It has to be beautiful when it mixes with wildlife and the natural beauty.Just think of this in your mind you can look all around the canyon and see the natural beauty with plants everywhere and the most beautiful day it can be.The second biggest canyon in the world with all the wildlife and beauty. How did the plants in the canyon get there? I don't know how they got there but it was probably because of the people who used to live in the canyon. The people did grow crops in the canyon. "Some days the weather in the canyon is 100 f and 0 f “( Did you know ).if it was that

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