What Are The Pros And Cons Of Living In A Sexualized Society

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Here 's a quick timeline of some events: 4000 Ma the earliest life appears on our planet. 2100 Ma More complex cells appear. 1200 Ma Sexual reproduction evolves, leading to faster evolution. Fast forward and it 's about 200 000 years ago when Homo sapiens sapiens or i.e. anatomically modern humans evolve. And an era of human achievements began. We discovered things; invented things no one thought were possible, no one thought we needed, no one really believes we need but they are cool anyway. We are able to decode the genes of a 45,000-year-old man from Siberia; we went to the Moon; we can send vines from Space, we invented a 3D printing machine that can turn selfies into pancakes, NASA 'S ROVER DREW A PENIS ON MARS! All these years of …show more content…

We still believe the myth that our “cherry” can be “popped” oh and speaking of, we still feel ashamed of saying the V word – vagina, and well, other related medical terms. We still find the idea of providing students with comprehensive sex ed a ridiculous one. Okay, now that I almost got to the point of my speech, I want to say for the record that remembering all these events was hard. But do you know what else is hard? Living in a sexualized society that exposes children at an early age to messages about sexuality that normalize and perpetuate ignorance and wrong information in regards to sex yet refuses to incorporate sex ed into our curriculum. It 's 2014, almost 2015, and women are still made to feel shame for having menstruation and men still use it as an excuse to invalidate our arguments and emotions without realizing that when we are on our period our bodies lower estrogen and raise testosterone which means that when we are menstruating, it 's the time when our hormones most closely resemble those of a man so if we are so “emotional” and “illogical” at that time then they are all the time; we still discriminate against people on the LGBTQIA+ spectrum, we still think that gender is not a social construct. This is

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