Pros And Cons Of Pornography

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Despite pornography is much criticized by society, religion, and moral ground, it still has its own advantages that are attributable to married couples, especially to those who are often have problem concerning to lack of sexual desire in their partner or low libido. By watching pornography, they can explore their own sexuality and interest in sexual intercourse thus, helping them to trigger their own desire in sex. They can spend more intimate time by watching pornography together and drawing them closer to each other. There are a lot of reasons of having low libido or lack of interest in having sex such as they might lack of sexual creativity in bead room. Hence they tend to think that sexual intercourse is boring and lose interest. In such …show more content…

The society has also grown more tolerant of sexual portrayals. Pornography however, as much as it is criticized, has its advantages (Krayzelburg, 2011). In addition, pornography also can be used as therapy in cases where he partner having problem in libido or lack of interest in the sexual intercourse. It also can be used in several cases like erectile dysfunctions where it was cured by using pornography as a therapeutic application. By using pornography, the sexual desire of the couple can be improved significantly as it leads to intensifying of sexual orgasmic feeling. According to research, the sex life of couple who watch pornography and practice it in their bedroom affair are improved and reassuring feeling among them. It also helps in increasing self-esteem especially in men as they tend to feel like having more control in bedroom and sexual affairs. They also will feel convinced about their sexual intercourse skills. Porno also can help married couple to have more sexual desire and feeling of having sex with their partner, thus increasing the sense of belongingness between