Informative Speech Outline

579 Words3 Pages

wMental Illness

I. Intro
a. When I say depression, anxiety attacks, eating disorders, or bipolar disorder, what do you think of?
b. According to the book, brave new brain, which written by Nancy c. Anderson, “mental illnesses are expressed as changes in the thinking and emotion.”
c. until August of 2014, I imagined all the weird kids were the only ones that struggled with mental disorders and then my best friend was diagnosis with depression.
d. All of the sudden, mental health had a whole new meaning.

Thesis: Mental Health has becoming a bigger issue in the last few years and we need to understand these diseases.

Transition: So today I'm going to tell you about 3 of the most well known mental illnesses.
II. Body
a. Depression
i. Also …show more content…

On Wednesday, June 8, a Huffington post article, This is What Teen Depression Looks like, written by Elise Jamison, said
1. 16 million Americans suffer from depression iv. Men and women can get depression but women are more likely too
v. According to, there are 4 types of depression
1. major depressive disorder
2. persistent depressive disorder
3. premenstrual dysphoric
4. seasonal affective disorder vi. my story
b. Bipolar
i. an affective disorder characterized by periods of mania alternating with periods of depression, usually interspersed with relatively long intervals of normal moods ii. This disorder can last for hours, days, weeks, months, or even years iii. 2.3 million Americans suffer from this disorder according to

Transition: The third and most common mental disorder is

c. Eating Disorders
i. Any various disorders as anorexia nervosa or bulimia, characterized by severe disturbances in eating habits ii. The National Institution of Mental Health or says there are 3 types
1. anorexia nervosa
a. starve yourself to become skinny, most girls think they're overweight but they're not
b. highest rate of girls dying
i. because of complications of starvation, some suicide
c. symptoms